A Spring update from 2017 Adventure Scholarship recipient Madeline Cecilia Dunn

Madelline Cecilia skirt-skiing

“I ski because it’s my deepest passion, not because I am searching for anything in particular. Through backcountry skiing and ski-mountaineering, I have discovered my career path as an avalanche instructor, ski-guide, and professional ski patroller. From waiting tables to hunting avalanches, my world has taken a turn towards true passion.

I am currently on the 5-year track to become an AIARE (The American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education) instructor which prepares me to instruct avalanche courses at an international level. I am also an aspiring AMGA (America Mountain Guide Association) Ski Guide, but have numerous exams and courses to take before I can become fully certified. This is where the Flyin Ryan Adventure Scholarship can seriously help me on my endeavors as a snow scientist and career-driven ski-guide.” –Madeline

Visit Madelline’s Adventure Scholarship profile.

Madelline’s scholarship was made possible with generous support from Ryan Bartley & Family.

The Flyin Ryan Hawks Foundation has helped to level the playing field financially for those on a mission of passion, exemplify strong character. The Flyin Ryan Foundation has awarded 113 Adventure Scholarships.

Learn more about sponsoring an Advenure Scholarship.