Dani has been still keeping the ball rolling during her hiatus at home. She’s really got it figured out in terms of being sustainable. Here is what she has been up to during these unusual times.

“Living in a Pandemic is a bit weird. However, keeping adventure alive is easy with the right mind set; it just looks a bit different right now. One core value of Ryan’s that is more relevant than ever is “Be Self-sufficient” During this time we cannot rely on public places. I think more than ever we all want to be on the mountains. Personally it has been quite a struggle for me to not run to the mountains for a bit of distraction from what’s going on in the world. However I am not oblivious to the fact that others most likely feel the same way and because of that local trails, and mountains have closed to the public. So what have I been doing without Vermont Mountains?
I have been getting creative the first month we cleaned our apartment and did some projects that we have been putting off. We brewed our own beer, we got chickens and made a chicken coop. But being an outdoor enthusiast. I felt like a piece of me was missing. With things not opening up anytime in the foreseeable future. Tim and I started building our own trail network for biking on some family land. It got us outside, and gave us a great perspective to what goes into trail building. It’s hard work; I joked that it’s 2 hours of building for 20 seconds of riding. But there is something exciting and rewarding

about building and creating with your own hands. Since I was in college I have been quite self-sufficient. Tim, my significant other and I renovated a small 500sqft apartment we currently reside in all with recycled materials, as well as built out an old Ford Econoline Van we named Rose that we use to aid in our outdoor adventures. We love living small and simply it opens up so many more opportunities for adventures.”
So the adventures haven’t stopped per say, they just look a bit different they are a bit more personal.