Devyn received her scholarship in 2013. She is an amazing person and equestrian. A while back she used her grant to compete with her horse Mara, together they competed in their first “A” rated show together. Here is what she has been up to since.
The past year has been a bit different for me than previous years for riding. In December of 2018 I graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.S. in Animal Science. This concluded my

successful college riding career in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) riding for UNH. My successes on the team include two High Point Rider titles, 2017 Intermediate Flat Regional Champion, a 6th place finish at Zone Finals, multiple team championships, and multiple personal wins. Being the Captain of the UNH IHSA team taught me so many life lessons that I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn. Being a part of a great team is incredibly rewarding, but my favorite part of riding at UNH was riding and learning from many different horses in the program. Although I greatly miss training and riding for UNH, I will be able to carry lessons I learned through the rest of my riding career, and I am very excited to do so.
Since my graduation, I have had the opportunity to take a small

break from competitions and focus on spending quality time with horses. My horse, Mara, is retired from riding now, so we enjoy each other’s company. I still ride, and continue to improve, but I am focusing on spending time with horses by going on trail rides, playing riding games, and simply taking a break from competition. It has been the first time I have done so since I was a small child, and it has been incredibly refreshing. I can’t wait to come back into competitions in the future with all that I have learned through college riding and working with a few different trainers, but right now, I’m just enjoying horses!