Karina received her scholarship in 2019, she then used her funds to pay for competitions and take more time to train before them. She is coming off a season ending injury where she tore a ligament in her ankle and came back strong! Here is what she has been up to this season.

Karina Jorgensen-Fullam

“I started out this season by going to Revelstoke to compete in the 2* Freeride World Qualifier (FWQ) competition with the hope of doing well enough to secure myself a position in the 4* competition – of much greater importance as it is worth many more points – which was taking place a few days later. I was pleased with my competition run (I have a long history of skiing well and then crashing during my run, so this was a huge improvement over some of my past runs), and ended up finishing in 7th place. While I was pleased with this result considering this was my first time competing in the adult category, I did not finish high enough to qualify for the 4* competition.

Nevertheless, I had an amazing time exploring Revelstoke mountain terrain with friends. I returned to Whistler, my home mountain, for a couple of weeks before setting off to Kicking Horse Mountain for the next competition. This time, I made it into both the 2* and the 4* straight away due to my existing points and there being less people registered of higher ranking than myself. In the 2*, I had a very spectacular

Karina Jorgensen-Fullam

crash due to an unfortunate landing pad (a rock), but luckily emerged without a scratch. This had the opposite effect as some might predict, and rather than make me more nervous to enter my first ever 4*, all the pressure I felt melted away. My mindset became: “I’ve already crashed, and I was fine! What’s the worst that could happen?” Due to the low pressure environment I had created for myself, as well as the countless days of training I had put in leading up to the competition, the next day I ended up coming fourth in the 4* competition at Kicking Horse! I’ve now returned home and gotten back to training for the next competition, I leave for Lake Louise in a week! All of these adventures I have embarked on so far this season – and the many more to come – would not have been made possible without the support of the Flyin Ryan Hawks Foundation and their Adventure Scholarship Program, and I would like to extend my thanks to them once more for making my ski adventure dreams come true!”