Tucker is a big mountain telemark free skier. He received his award way back in 2012. He has developed a reputation for smooth style and stomped landings in his competitions. He has embraced the Flyin Ryan way to the max, here is an update from Tucker.

“I’m definitely still getting out there and implementing Ryan’s principles into everyday life. I keep a card with all of them in my wallet as a reminder all the time. Since receiving the scholarship I feel like a lot has happened. I have really come a long way as both a skier and a person. I graduated from Western Colorado University in May all while keeping free ride skiing at a high level of importance.

Unfortunately last season I took a big fall at the competition at Crested Butte. I ended up breaking some ribs and punctured my lung and stayed in the hospital for a few days. This ended my season pretty early, but it gave me a lot of time to work on my mental game which turned out to be a big benefit. Aside from that I have started flight school with plans to become a pilot since I think a lot of us know it is tough to make it in this world strictly as a skier. So it has been awesome to find something I’m passionate about while I can still ski and compete on the side.

This season has been going much better. I travelled up to Kicking Horse in Canada for the 4 Star event and walked away with a 6th place. I just got back from the Taos 4 Star which didn’t go my way with results, but I got to ski a really fun line. The plan now is to head out to the Crystal, Squaw Valley and Kirkwood competitions but it’s still up in the air as to whether or not the events will get canceled due to lack of snow and the Coronavirus. Fingers crossed that we can get out there and put a few more comp runs down!”