We recognized two deserving athletes at the IFSA Junior Regional Freeride competition at Sugarloaf Mountain in ME this past Sunday, February 24th!
On Sunday February 24th, at the IFSA Junior Regional Big Mountain Freeride completion at Sugarloaf Mountain, ME, the Flyin Ryan Foundation recognized two deserving athletes for demonstrating positive energy and joy of participating in our sport as exemplified by Flyin Ryan. While it was cold as usual for Sugarloaf in February, it was also dumping snow with very high gusting winds. The weather caused competition delays and lift stoppages, and the athletes had to endure harsh weather conditions in the start gate until it was their turn. While most of the athletes stayed tucked in the shelter of the trees, two athletes stood out for remaining with the starter and spreading positive stoke to their fellow competitors as they got ready to perform. These two athletes are Soren Kokborg (pictured right) from Carrabassett Valley Academy competing in the 15-18 male division, and Lilybeth Ryan (pictured left) from Gould Academy competing in the 12-14 female division. IFSA and Flyin Ryan board member Bryan Salatino recognized Soren and Lilybeth during the awards ceremony at the end of the day.

Flyin Ryan award recipients Lilybeth Ryan (left)
from Gould Academy and Soren Kokborg (right)
from Carrabassett Valley Academy.