Adventure Scholarship Update - Molly Kucher
Molly received her award back in 2019 to assist her in the goal of traveling and skiing some Ja-Pow. She joined with some new friends along the journey. Here is what she had to say about her trip: I have spent the last two years raising and saving money in
Adventure Scholarship Update - Eli Derrick
Eli has been busy early this season getting training back in early November in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. He is a young ski-cross racer who’s competing at very high levels this whole season. Here is what he has been up to so far: This winter took me all over the place, starting
Adventure Scholarship Update - Alex Bogner
Since receiving my Flyin’ Ryan Adventure Scholarship for a high-altitude mountaineering course in the Cordillera Blance of Peru in 2016, a lot has happened in the years that followed. In the spring of 2017, I started working as a sea kayak guide and glacier hiking guide for Adventure Sixty North
Adventure Scholarship Update - Leslie Hendricks
Leslie received her scholarship awhile back to aid her in her bike ride across the country after she graduated in May of 2014. She graduated from UVM and is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was the ultimate form of practicing sustainable transportation. These are the words she had to say about