Green Mountain Freeride
Green Mountain Freeride was founded several years ago by 3 Passionate Vermont skiers: Lars Chickering Ayres, Ryan Hawks, and Chuck Mumford. Their mission was to create a forum which would serve as a medium to communicate their passion for the sport, unite and inspire the skiing community, and help to grow the sport. Lars and Chuck Will be reflecting their exploits and adventures this winter and blog input from likeminded adventurers. The Foundation gave an award to help subsidize “the General” Lars biofuel ford truck which carried them (sometimes reluctantly) from adventure to adventure.

Meet More Scholars
The Foundation has awarded more than 150 Adventure Scholarships to people who have a dream, believe in the Core Values Matter philosophy and were able to demonstrate financial need. Our Adventure Scholars are a distinctive group of students, athletes, and others. We believe you'll find someone here you can identify with, or perhaps you will help us make this outstanding team of individuals even more diverse and inclusive.
See All Adventure Scholars