Katerina Adler

Bixby, OK

I was born on November 2, 1975 in what was then Communist USSR or one big Russia. Being an only child in a family of work loaded executives, I was mainly raised by loving and caring grandparents who went through W orld War II and survived many hardships of the Soviet era. At school, I was a good student who graduated in the top 2 of my class and went to college just like almost everybody else from my high school. I received my Master’s degree in teaching English as a Second Language and was very happy to come back as a teacher in one of the most prestigious high schools, the one I graduated from in 1993. I had dreamed of becoming a teacher ever since I can remember myself. I married young at 21 and very soon had my first child Constantine. My husband was a successful attorney who was always interested in international law, which eventually brought us to the US in 2008. The first few years of exploring the country were full of memorable experiences and happiness. We were living the American Dream in its fullest. In 2011, our daughter Amelia was born, and we found out that she has Down’s Syndrome, and to my great shock, it split our family apart. My husband did not agree to keep a child with a disability, he did not see any reason why and I did not see any reason why not. I have been divorced for 3 years, and due to my ex-husband’s unemployment and residence in a different state, he is not supporting us either financially or as a father of the children. However, I have been teaching English as a Second Language at Union 9 th Grade Center for 5 years now, and I love it! I share my passion for reading, learning and continuous education with my students. And in my free time, I love to work out in the gym and swim.

Read Katarina’s Application Essay here!

Katarina’s Letter of recommendation

My Core Values

  1. Life is too short to allow yourself to be bored or be boring, enjoy it yourself and help people around you
  2. Don’t be afraid to look dumb, just ask, and find the answer!
  3. Be the best mother, daughter, teacher, friend I can possibly be every day
  4. Work Hard
  5. Live everday, all day
  6. Try new things, meet new people, have new experiences, and live an adventuresome life
  7. Don’t stress about life, don’t give people hard times, live easy because life is much more enjoyable if you do

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