Adventure Scholarship Update - Saeed Zaroori

Saeed Zaroori is 32 years old, the Founder of Iranian Adventurers with Disabilities Team and a motivated adventurer who has showed to Iranian people with disabilities and non-disabled persons that they can take adventures with any physical conditions. He is a journalist, inspirational lecturer in the field of adventure and

Adventure Scholarship Update - Molly Kucher

Molly received her award back in 2019 to assist her in the goal of traveling and skiing some Ja-Pow. She joined with some new friends along the journey. Here is what she had to say about her trip: I have spent the last two years raising and saving money in

Adventure Scholarship Update - Eli Derrick

Eli has been busy early this season getting training back in early November in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. He is a young ski-cross racer who’s competing at very high levels this whole season. Here is what he has been up to so far: This winter took me all over the place, starting

Adventure Scholarship Update - Alex Bogner

Since receiving my Flyin’ Ryan Adventure Scholarship for a high-altitude mountaineering course in the Cordillera Blance of Peru in 2016, a lot has happened in the years that followed. In the spring of 2017, I started working as a sea kayak guide and glacier hiking guide for Adventure Sixty North