Adventure Scholarship Update - Sonya Buglion Gluck

  Today we are sharing an Adventure Scholarship recipient update sent to us by Sonya Buglion Gluck. Sonya is a 2013 recipient of a Flyin Ryan Adventure Scholarship award. We helped her attend Kroka Expedition’s Ecuador Semester, an outdoor education program focused on experiential learning, adventure sports and traditional skills. She has

RaisedVT Selling Truckers Hats to Benefit Flyin Ryan

We’re excited to announce that RaisedVT is once again selling Flyin Ryan branded hats in a show of support for our organization. Check out these great looking trucker hats in blue, black and grey! Get yours here:  

Adventure Scholarship Update - Devyn Blood

Devyn received her scholarship in 2013. She is an amazing person and equestrian. A while back she used her grant to compete with her horse Mara, together they competed in their first “A” rated show together. Here is what she has been up to since. The past year has been

Adventure Scholarship Update - Julian Lathrop

Julian received his scholarship back in 2015 to go cross country and see some of the national parks. He went with his pal Conor who was his co-pilot through the adventure. Here is what he had to say about the experience. “The trip was incredible, beside our diets, it went