Adventure Scholarship Update - Saeed Zaroori

Saeed Zaroori received his scholarship award back in the summer of 2019. He’s a journalist and inspirational lecturer in the field of adventure travel. He is also the Founder of Iranian adventurers with Disabilities Team and a highly motivated individual. Muscular dystrophy has weakened his hands and legs but could

Adventure Scholarship Update - Dani Sweet

Dani has been still keeping the ball rolling during her hiatus at home. She’s really got it figured out in terms of being sustainable. Here is what she has been up to during these unusual times. “Living in a Pandemic is a bit weird. However, keeping adventure alive is easy

Adventure Scholarship Update - Tucker Vollbrecht

Tucker is a big mountain telemark free skier. He received his award way back in 2012. He has developed a reputation for smooth style and stomped landings in his competitions. He has embraced the Flyin Ryan way to the max, here is an update from Tucker. “I’m definitely still getting

Adventure Scholarship Update - TJ Tucker

TJ is an old scholar catching back up. He received his award back in 2013 to pursue his passion for skiing. He is still shredding it, here’s what he had to say. “I stopped competing back in 2014, but have not stopped skiing! I also picked up snowmobiling and now