Flyin Ryan Spirit Awards Given at Smugglers Notch IFSA Competition

Two competitors were given Flyin Ryan Spirit Awards on the weekend of February 29th at the IFSA Freeride Competition at Smugglers Notch – Clement Fischer and Carolyn Price. Clement Is a UVM skier who was participating for the first time in a free ride event. When he saw the course

Congratulations David Punia!

We would like to congratulate our dear friend and IT extraordinaire David Punia and his new wife Elaine for an extraordinary wedding celebration conducted on Saturday at the Temple Sinai. The evening was jam packed full of music, laughter, great friendship and food. Jackie and Peter Hawks felt privileged to

Flyin Ryan Team in Fat Ski-a-thon Fundraiser at Sugarbush

  The following post is written by Everett Tillett, Outreach Coordinator for the Flyin Ryan Hawks Foundation. On Sunday March 1st, 2020, High Fives hosted their 9th annual Fat Ski a-thon fundraiser at Sugarbush on the Valley house quad chair. The event raised $248,000 for athletes who have sustained life

Protect Our Winters Event at Sugarbush on February 22nd

About 600 people attended this event where Aaron Rice, one of our Adventure Scholars, was one of the four presenters along with a climate scientist from the University of New Hampshire, the President of the Green Mountain Conservation Advocacy Group, and the former CEO of Alterra. Alterra, based in Aspen,