Shawn Owen
Rutland, VT
My name is Shawn Owen and I am excited to be able to be part of the 2014 USA games. This is something new for me but I am learning to adapt to new challenges. I am always looking to challenge myself in sports and helping others. I have learned so much being with the great people of the VT special Olympics. This has taught me to be competitive but with good sportsmanship. I have been a person who loves meeting new people even though I have many social challenges. I am determined to reach my goals through hard work I have many goals I have many interests that keep me busy which some I have learned from friends and family. I fish, play basketball, Bocce, soccer and bowling and enjoy learning about eating healthy and nutrition. I have been challenged with education and social anxiety but my goal is to go to college and break the state fishing record for pike. I know I can be independent on my own some day for my own living. My dad is helping me get into an independent living apartment that I am excited. I also have a goal to get a 200 in bowling. I really think I can do it! I also hope to go to college to learn about nutrition. My dad has helped me learn a lot about it and I think I can help others so they can live better and healthier. It will be hard work but I know I can do it with help from others. I got a lot of help from my high school that helped me get my first job and I also have been working with vocational rehab. I now have a job at the local food co op which has organic health food which fits good with my lifestyle and healthy living. I have learned to get ahead more on my own from the help of others and have many hobbies I do. I really like being with Special Olympics because they helped me to be positive and believe in myself even when I didn’t want to. But I can get stronger and believe I can do my goals. I have a hard time adjusting to my surroundings but I am getting better. thank you for letting me have this time to request this opportunity for the Ryan Hawks scholarship and participate in the 2014 Games with Team Vt. The principles of Ryan Hawks have and are still changing my life.

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